DataBlend Blog

DataBlend Spotlight: Have you met Jocelyn Pade yet?

Written by Kate Johnson | May 7, 2024 10:07:17 PM
Have you meet Jocelyn Pade, our Product Manager at DataBlend? She joined the team last fall, and we are thrilled to have her on board! Learn more about Jocelyn below.

Where are you from? 

I grew up in Wisconsin, went to college in Massachusetts, and now live in Virginia.


Tell me about your role? 

I am the Product Manager of Connections, which involves working on everything related to Connectors, such as new connections, collectors, and data targets. The connector is the first part of setting up your workflow, which is why it is important for me to ensure that the first experience leaves a great impression.


What are you most excited about working for DataBlend? 

Having a voice and seeing how my work contributes to our overall success as a company is very rewarding. What makes DataBlend so special is that what we build comes to us from our users. We can solve real-life workflows that make their businesses run smoothly and customers happy, knowing that the products we release are being utilized this way. This is what every Product Manager wants to hear!


Three fun facts about you. 

  1. I am Scrum Master Certified (This is fun to me; I love learning and expanding my knowledge.)  
  2. I collect Star Wars puzzles; I did 1500 pieces in two days. 
  3. I lived in 4 other states before settling down in Virginia.


What has been your favorite moment since starting at DataBlend? 

There have been a couple, like when I was able to troubleshoot my first data target and get it to run, but my favorite would be getting my first connector released and making sure we had everyone internally prepared for it!


How has automation changed the way you work? 

Automation is like having a second set of arms. It's awesome! There is a great book that talks about the three types of tasks we do: tactile, operational, and strategic, and the way to really grow so you spend the majority of your time on the strategic tasks is to use automation 🙂



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